Privacy and Cookie Policy

We think it is important that as a visitor to our site you are well informed about what cookies are and what they are used for. In addition, we believe it is important that you as a visitor can change your cookie settings yourself at any time.

1. What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that a website puts on your computer’s hard drive when you visit the site. The main function of cookies is to distinguish one user from another and recognise a user when they revisit the website.

The use of cookies is safe. Cookies do not trigger emails and telemarketing campaigns. Nor do cookies spread viruses or spam.

2. What exactly does cookie law entail?

In short, the law means that website owners must clearly inform visitors about what cookies are and what they are used for. In addition, permission to use cookies must be obtained by the website owner.

3. Why do you use cookies?

Cookies make websites easier to use. For example, they allow you to stay logged in to a website or remember your preferences, such as location and language settings. In addition, when shopping online, they keep track of your digital shopping cart. Cookies also allow website owners to see how often their sites - and which pages - are viewed by visitors. Furthermore, some cookies make it possible to track your browsing behaviour (anonymised).


4. Do cookies store personal information?

No, a cookie does not store names, email addresses or phone numbers.

5. Do cookies present a risk to my computer?

No. Cookies do not spread viruses or act as spyware.

6. What information have you collected from me using cookies?

Cookies do not store personal details such as names, email addresses or phone numbers. However, cookies allow us to recognise your computer and track the sites your computer visits within our network. This allows us to gauge your interests. If you disable or delete cookies, you cannot be recognised the next time you visit a website and we therefore will not know your interests, as well as your password, for example.

7. How can I delete or disable all the cookies that are on my computer?

Cookies that have been saved on your computer can be deleted at any time. Check your browser or device manual on how to delete them.

8. Can you delete cookies from my computer?

We cannot do this for you. You can do this yourself via the internet browser you are using.

9. What is the lifespan of a cookie?

The lifespan of a cookie can vary depending on its purpose. Some cookies are only used during online sessions (‘Session cookies’) and are not saved when you leave the website. Other cookies, however, are stored and used as soon as you revisit the website in question (‘permanent cookies’).


10. Why are functional and statistics cookies necessary for the site to function?

It is important to us that our website works well, offers quality content and that you can browse it easily. To achieve this, we use cookies. For example, to remember your password or to gauge which parts of the site are most appreciated by our visitors.

Mediport Medical Center Cadix

Consultaties op woensdagnamiddag

Kempenstraat 100
2030 Antwerpen

Praktijk Elsegem

Consultaties op woensdagvoormiddag

Elsegemplein 17
9790 Elsegem

Privé praktijken

Ziekenhuis raadplegingen

AZ Oudenaarde

Consultaties op maandag en dinsdag 

Dienst Orthopedie - Heupkliniek Minderbroedersstraat 3
9700 Oudenaarde

Brussel - CHIREC
Clinique de la Basilique

Consulaties en dagchirurgie op donderdagvoormiddag en vrijdagnamiddag

Pangaertstraat 37
1083 Ganshoren


Operaties kunnen plaats vinden in AZ Oudenaarde of de 2 locaties in Brussel.

Sint-Anna Sint-Remi Ziekenhuis

Consultaties op donderdag en vrijdag

Jules Graindorlaan 66
1070 Anderlecht

Operaties kunnen plaats vinden in AZ Oudenaarde of de 2 locaties in Brussel.

Privé praktijken

Raadplegingen op

Elsegemplein 17
9790 Elsegem

AZ Oudenaarde

Raadplegingen op
dinsdag, woensdag en vrijdagnamiddag.

Dienst Orthopedie - Heupkliniek Minderbroedersstraat 3
9700 Oudenaarde

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